Crucial headlock escapes taught during tonight’s grappling class at The MAC

We had a busy Monday at The MAC at Haworth today, with our regular program of morning and evening classes keeping our members flocking through the doors.

Our day started with a little striking, with the group beginning the session with the Bulgarian bag warm-up. We got straight down to it with some light sparring, and even had time to combine a little grappling sparring to boot.

The evening started with one of our Kids MMA classes, with the little ones working their way through the regular animal based warm-up before testing their focus. The striking obstacle course was in full swing before we focused on mount escapes during the technical portion.

Next up was our evening grappling class, with the group looking at double leg takedowns, depending on our opponents behavior. We then transitioned onto looking at primary headlock escapes on the ground, a critical maneuver if you find yourself stuck on the bottom.

A big well done to everyone who attended the centre today including Adam, Ewa, Roxanne, Tony, Andrea, Michelle, Roxanne, Ryan, Paul, Ben and Chris.

A big shout out to our sponsors, The Fleece Inn as well.

See you next time on the mat…

#themacathaworth #seeyouonthemat

D’Arce choke counters completes the circle during tonight’s MMA class at The MAC
Overhook submission series from the guard visited during tonights MMA class at The MAC

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