D’Arce choke counters completes the circle during tonight’s MMA class at The MAC

We had another busy Thursday at The MAC at Haworth today, with a packed morning of private sessions and a full on evening of classes.

The evening program started with the Kids MMA class, with the group working their way through the regular warm up and striking obstacle course. The technical portion of the class focused on takedowns, ducking under the punch of an aggressive opponent before landing a double leg.

The grappling class for the adults focused on the body-fold takedown from the clinch position before putting our own spin on how to counter a head-locking opponent who we’re mounted on. A little rolling ended the session.

The last class of the night was the Adults MMA class and after a little bear crawling to warm-up we transitioned onto the focus mits for some padwork. The technical portion of the class was all about countering the D’Arce choke, a submission we looked at in detail last Thursday. The night ended with some rolling.

A big well done to everyone who attended the centre today including David, Adam, Alex, Chris, Andrea, Ben, Paul, Ed, Lucy, Mark, Frank, Matt and Olly.

A big shout out to our sponsors, The Fleece Inn as well.

See you next time on the mat…

#themacathaworth #seeyouonthemat

Single-leg takedowns on the menu this Tuesday evening at The MAC at Haworth
Crucial headlock escapes taught during tonight’s grappling class at The MAC

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