Turtle control adds new insight to students during tonight’s Adults MMA class at The MAC

We had a sweaty and action packed night at The MAC at Haworth this evening, with the main trio of classes taking the floor, Kids MMA, Grappling and Adults MMA.

We kicked it off with the little ones, with the group working their way through the regular animal based warm-up before moving onto our striking obstacle course with a couple of differences. The main focus of the technical portion was arm-drags into a rear-takedown. The session ended with the always fun sock game.

The grappling class focused on two main subjects, entering the clinch from the standing position and arm-locks from the guard. One little addition was the transition from arm-lock to triangle if the arm disappears during the spin.

The MMA class was last up and got off to a flying start with a little padwork. After that was over we focused on a couple of ways to break down the turtle position, relying on tips or the threat of them to force an opening or two. The night ended with a little rolling (grappling sparring).

A big well done to everyone who attended the centre today including David, Roxanne, Tal Tan, Alex, Chris, Andrea, Charlie, Matt, Ryan, Paul Georgina, and Chris.

A big shout out to our sponsors, The Fleece Inn as well.

See you next time on the mat…

#themacathaworth #seeyouonthemat

Overhook submission series from the guard visited during tonights MMA class at The MAC
Arm-in guillotines revisited this morning during an hours grappling session at The MAC

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